What to Wear & Bring To A Photoshoot

12:02 PM

What should I wear to a photoshoot?

I prefer outfits that have solid colors and aren't too crazy in style (unless we are shooting a fashion spread). Simple designs and not over the top colors (please don't wear neon) are what come across the best in photographs. You can contact me if you have specific questions, but just wear what makes you comfortable and at ease.


Clients are responsible for bringing all their own props. Ideas for this are picnic blankets, chairs, frames, balloons, books, vintage sofa/chair, lamp stand, etc. Be creative when styling your shoot but make sure it all flows together. If you would rather have me or someone else style the shoot please tell me that in your email.

Anything else?

I think bringing items that help you switch up your look is a valuable thing to have on the shoot. Bring extra make up, hair ties, hats, jewelry, glasses/sunglasses, or anything you think might switch up one photograph from the next.

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